Residents say the funniest things!

I’ve been messing around with an old blog that I used to have many years back, and have been finding interesting stories I posted back in the day when I was a CNA.

  • I had a resident today, lets call him grumpy. Grumpy was more quiet today than usual. He usually had something to complain about or something snarky to say. Being the good CNA that I was, I asked him what was wrong. He said he was fine. He looked far from fine tho. His oxygen machine was out of water and he looked like he was having a hard time breathing. I immediately told the nurse, and had the water replaced. He started to look better after a few minutes, so I got a pulse oximeter to check his oxygen levels. I put the monitor on his index finger; his O2 saturation was 93%, which was his baseline. After he saw the number he said “You should put that on my dick, and see how much oxygen it has.”

Looking back and reading this, I remember thinking this was the funniest thing ever!!! An old man talking about his dick was the last thing I expected!
